The Bahraini Government story is as follows...
Mohammed Irfan (23 years) is a Bengladeshi Mo'azen in one of Manama's mosques. He was on his way back home when he was attacked by a bunch of criminals, back in March 2011. When he tried to escape, the criminals chased him to his home. They broke into his home and his bedroom. They tortured three of his friends. They took the other two friends to the Pearl Roundabout. Then they attacked him brutally, using iron rods, wooden sticks and boiling oil. He was, then, admitted to Bahrain Defense Force Hospital. The Doctor says Irfan has multiple injuries, including a skull fracture, cut above the eye and a cut in the tongue with a shrap object. Currently Irfan is in a vegetative state. Irfan is being fed by food tubes attached to his stomach. This treatment will be continued until there is a hope for him to get better Inshallah.
That was the Government story.
Pro-Gov dudes accuse Shiites opposition of cutting his tongue because he's a Sunni, and that he lost his tongue because he would not give up saying Azan when repeatedly told not to by Shiites terrorists.
Al-Watan newspaper published the following on the 14th of September 2011 - edition 2106...
After investigating the case and raising the case in court, those were the findings...
Irfan is not a Bengladeshi. He's a Pakistani.
He's not a Mo'azen. He's a construction worker.
He doesn't live in Manama. He lives in Muharraq.
No record exists for Irfan in the Justice and Islamic Affairs Ministry. He's a construction worker.
This is the REAL story.
The person whom the Government claims to be the victim holds a Pakistani nationality. His name is Irfan Ahmed Baksh Mohammed. He arrived in Bahrain on the 18th of April 2011 as a worker in Yousif Al-Zayani Trading and Construction Co. W.L.L. He lives in Muharraq. He used to work with gems. He was supposed to meet with a person regarding his work. The person got no reply. So, he called some of Irfan's friends (Ghazi and Abdul Rahman). The friends confirmed to the person that Irfan is now back in Pakistan. They confirmed to the person that Irfan had a work accident; he fell from a scaffold and his tongue was injured (bitten by his tongue due to the fall). The person got Irfan number in Pakistan. He called him. Irfan is now in good condition.
Those are parts of the work permit for Irfan...
And this is a letter from the person who contacted Irfan after he fled to Pakistan. That person is saying in the letter that he's willing to testify in court. However, the court denied all appeals and evidences!!!
Mohammed Irfan (23 years) is a Bengladeshi Mo'azen in one of Manama's mosques. He was on his way back home when he was attacked by a bunch of criminals, back in March 2011. When he tried to escape, the criminals chased him to his home. They broke into his home and his bedroom. They tortured three of his friends. They took the other two friends to the Pearl Roundabout. Then they attacked him brutally, using iron rods, wooden sticks and boiling oil. He was, then, admitted to Bahrain Defense Force Hospital. The Doctor says Irfan has multiple injuries, including a skull fracture, cut above the eye and a cut in the tongue with a shrap object. Currently Irfan is in a vegetative state. Irfan is being fed by food tubes attached to his stomach. This treatment will be continued until there is a hope for him to get better Inshallah.
That was the Government story.
Pro-Gov dudes accuse Shiites opposition of cutting his tongue because he's a Sunni, and that he lost his tongue because he would not give up saying Azan when repeatedly told not to by Shiites terrorists.
Al-Watan newspaper published the following on the 14th of September 2011 - edition 2106...
After investigating the case and raising the case in court, those were the findings...
Irfan is not a Bengladeshi. He's a Pakistani.
He's not a Mo'azen. He's a construction worker.
He doesn't live in Manama. He lives in Muharraq.
No record exists for Irfan in the Justice and Islamic Affairs Ministry. He's a construction worker.
This is the REAL story.
The person whom the Government claims to be the victim holds a Pakistani nationality. His name is Irfan Ahmed Baksh Mohammed. He arrived in Bahrain on the 18th of April 2011 as a worker in Yousif Al-Zayani Trading and Construction Co. W.L.L. He lives in Muharraq. He used to work with gems. He was supposed to meet with a person regarding his work. The person got no reply. So, he called some of Irfan's friends (Ghazi and Abdul Rahman). The friends confirmed to the person that Irfan is now back in Pakistan. They confirmed to the person that Irfan had a work accident; he fell from a scaffold and his tongue was injured (bitten by his tongue due to the fall). The person got Irfan number in Pakistan. He called him. Irfan is now in good condition.
Those are parts of the work permit for Irfan...
And this is a letter from the person who contacted Irfan after he fled to Pakistan. That person is saying in the letter that he's willing to testify in court. However, the court denied all appeals and evidences!!!
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