Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ما هكذا تُورَدُ الإبل يا هؤلاء

عامٌ يكاد أن يمر منذ انطلقت ثورة الرابع عشر من فبراير في البحرين وشعوب العالم تتغنى بحضارية الثورة، بينما يقف عدد ضئيل جدا من سكان الأرض موقف أعمى البصر والبصيرة. ذاع صيت اسم مملكة البحرين في أصقاع الأرض. ولكن كيف ذاع؟ أصبح من لم يسمع باسمها قَطّ يُرحِّب بزوارها ترحيبا حارا ممزوجا بالهزل والتعاطف والتشجيع. ذاع صيت مملكة البحرين فبات سكان الأرض يستقبلون زوارها بسؤالهم: أهي الدولة التي تقتل وتعتقل الأطفال والنساء والأطباء؟
يتحدث أحدهم عن سيطرة عددية مذهبية للشيعة على مفاصل الدولة، كوزارات التربية والتعليم والبلديات والعمل والصحة والقطاع المصرفي والمعاهد والكليات والجامعات، وفي ذات الوقت يتحدث عن صحوة المارد السني الذي كان نائما منذ بدايات القرن! أيَلزم تخطيطٌ والجمعُ نيام؟ أتحتاج الطائفةُ الشيعية للتخطيط الاستراتيجي العقدي والمذهبي في الوقت الذي الآخرون فيه نائمون وغارقون في أحلام الانضمام للجيش البحريني، وتَحَيُّن الفرصة لتقبيل الأنوف ولعق الأحذية عَلَّ وعسى تنتابهم رائحةُ دينارٍ هنا أو هناك؟ لا... مشى الواعون من أبناء هذا الوطن منذ قرون مَشْيَ الراغب في استلهام العلوم، والمتطلع الى غد مشرق، والطامح في الوصول إلى آفاق المعرفة، فكانت نتيجة حتمية وطبيعية أن يتخلف المتخلفون حتى عن بيع "الخضرة والفواكه"، ويتقدم المثقفون من مختلف الطوائف والمذاهب ليتبوأوا أعلى المناصب الوظيفية والإدارية.
لم يكن الشيعة محتاجين لاستراتيجية عقدية تُنَفَّذ على مدى قرن كامل. بل احتاج "النائمون" للاستيقاظ. احتاج النائمون لعدم النوم. احتاج النائمون أن يمشوا مع ركب التطور، وأن يواكبوا العالم في سيره الحثيث نحو الرقي والتقدم لا الغرق في النوم ودوامة القبلية والجهل والتبعية. لم يكن الشيعة محتاجين لاستراتيجية عقدية لأن يصبحوا أطباء ومعلمين وأساتذة ومحامين ومهندسين وعمال وتجار ومدراء. لم يحتاجوا سوى بعض الإيمان بالله والاقتداء برسوله الأعظم وأصحابه في نيل العلوم الروحية والبدنية والفلسفية. لم يحتاجوا أكثر من قليل من الطموح والرغبة في تطوير الذات ومشاركة المجتمع في صنع مستقبله. في المقابل لم يحتج النائمون سوى الى الاستيقاظ.
يا هؤلاء.

دَفْعُ الثمن لا يكون عبر الانتقام، وزرع أوهام جديدة تعتري جيلا كاملا جديدا، تُخَدِّرُه لفترة قرن قادم من الزمن لن يفيق منه إلا وهو يعيش في القرون الماضية ليعيد نسخ التاريخ الذي ظلموه وظلموا انفسهم فيه. نعم. لم تصحوا بعد يا هؤلاء. لا زلتم نائمين. لم تصحوا بعد. وإنما تُعِدّون لفترة "أهل كهف" جديدة لا لسبب سوى إقصاء الأنظار عن فشلكم، وفشل أسيادكم وآبائكم وأجدادكم، وإلباس ذنبكم لمن سبقوكم في الزمن وقطعوا أشواطا من شق بحور العلم والتنوّر. ما هكذا تورد الإبل.
وبقدرة قادر وبالخلو من أبسط مبادئ الفهم السياسي والوعي الثقافي والالمام بالتاريخ، يصبح المدبِّر والمخطِّط لهذه الحرب العقدية التي بدأت في عشرينات القرن الماضي، بحسب تحليل أحدهم، واستمرت لغاية 14 فبراير إلى ان فضحتها الحكومة الخليفية الرشيدة، أصبح المدبر والمخطط لهذه الحرب هو الولي الفقيه الذي لم يمض على تأسيس نظريته سوى ثلاثين عاما ونيف! سبحان الله. ولد المخطَّط قبل ولادة المدبِّر.
ألم يكن أول معتقل بعد الرابع عشر سني؟ محمد البوفلاسة؟ ألم يكن أول معتقل بعد السادس عشر سني؟ ابراهيم شريف؟ ألم ترتقي فوزية السندي منصة الدوار؟ كيف لعقل أن يصدق أن الثورة التي قادها اثنين من الطائفة السنية هي مؤامرة شيعية عقدية إيرانية تم التخطيط لها على مدى قرن من الزمن؟ أفيقوا. بما أنكم يا سنة البحرين الموالين تدَّعون أن المارد السني صحا من بعد غفلة وأفاق من سباته، نقول لكم أفيقوا من صحوتكم! ما هكذا تورد الإبل.
ما لكم لا تديرون عقلا؟ أَفِعْلاً هضمتم تهمة" الذهاب الى الدوار"؟ أحقاً بَلَعْتم تهمة "كره النظام"؟ أيجوز للحكومة فصل الآلاف بسبب كونهم معارضين أو شيعة؟ أيحِلُّ للحكومة تعذيب المواطنين حتى الموت بسبب انتمائهم المذهبي؟ أتصدقون خرافة إيران؟ كَذَّبَت الحكومة قضايا التعذيب حتى الموت فأثبتتها وثبتتها اللجنة الملكية لتقصي الحقائق. كَذَّبَت الأفواه الحكومية الاعتقالات غير القانونية وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الأفواه الحكومية الناعقة هدم بيوت الله وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الأفواه الحكومية انحياز الاعلام المحلي وتبعيته الكاملة للسلطة وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الأفواه الحكومية إيقاف البعثات الدراسية عن الطلاب الشيعة وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة استخدام القوة المفرطة ضد المتظاهرين وثبتتها اللجنة. ادعت الحكومة تبعية الحركة المطلبية لإيران ونفتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة قصص ضرب وتعذيب وإهانة المعتقلين وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة الادعاءات بإهانة المذهب الشيعي وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة الادعاءات بعدم قانونية الاعتقالات والايقافات والمحاكمات وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة قضايا الفصل التعسفي من الأعمال وثبتتها اللجنة. كَذَّبَت الحكومة قصص الاعتداء على الصحفيين وثبتتها اللجنة.
ماذا تنتظرون بالله عليكم؟ أفيقوا. أفيقوا. 

أختم بحادثة اقتحام قوات الأمن وأفراد الأمن الوطني لإحدى وزارات الدولة في فترة السلامة الوطنية. هي حادثة إذا ما قورنت بالمآسي التي ذكرها السيد بسيوني في تقريره (ملحق دعاوى التعذيب الذي يحوي ٦٠ قضية تعذيب وسوء معاملة) تكاد لا تُذكر، إلا أني أسرد بعض أحداثها لكونها حصلت في مؤسسة حكومية، وعلى مرأى ومسمع من الإدارة والإخوة والأخوات السنة وهم يتبسّمون ضاحكين.
اقتحمت قوات الأمن المبنى. وتبعها أفرادٌ مدنيون مسلحون ترافقهم كلابا بوليسية. كان جميعهم ملثمون. كانت لديهم قائمة بأسماء الموظفين. نادوا عليهم بالاسم. أمروهم بترك هواتفهم النقالة والاصطفاف عند الجدار. وجوههم تقابل الجدار. عصبوا أعينهم. كان عدد الموظفين ستة عشر. طُلب من الموظفين السنة الجلوس والتفرج. ظل اثنان من الملثمين قي الطابق. كانا سمينين. احدهم غامق البشرة. كلاهما بحرينيان. أخذا كلابهما البوليسية في جولة على الغرف. تفاجأ بعد ذلك الموظفون بالصفعات تأتيهم من الخلف على وجوههم وآذانهم. تكرر الصفع مرارا. خُصصت إحدى الغرف المغلقة للاستجواب. رُفعت عصابات الأعين ليشهد الموظفون ما يحدث لزملائهم. أخذ الملثمان يناديان على الموظفين الواحد تلو الآخر. كان الموظف يدخل غرفة الاستجواب نظيفا مهندما أنيقا ويخرج بدمائه وبثياب ممزقة وشعر منكوش، وآثار الضرب على جسده والتعب على محياه. تم تفتيش الهواتف النقالة والكمبيوترات. يا ويل من وضع صورة للدوار أو للسيد حسن نصرالله على خلفية هاتفه النقال الخاص. جولة الضرب والإهانات مضاعفة. 
لاحظ معي أخي القارئ أن هذه الأحداث تدور في إحدى وزارات الدولة!
أحد الموظفين كان كبيرا في السن. بقي له أربع أو خمس سنين حتى سن التقاعد. دخل غرفة الاستجواب بثوبه وغترته وعقاله. خرج منها وهو يُجَرُّ من رقبته بعقاله تقوده إحدى الشرطيات. طُلب من رجل آخر أن يصرخ "امبااااع" مقلدا صوت الخراف. قال له الحيوان الملثم "سأنزل على السلم وأريد أن أسمع صوتك وأن تقول امبااااع". علم الحيوانان أن إحدى الموظفات السنة متزوجة من رجل شيعي. نادوها. تمت إهانتها وسبها وشتمها وضربها فقط لأن زوجها شيعي. وُضعت العصابات مرة أخرى على الأعين. تكرر الضرب والصفعات على الوجوه والظهور. تُرك الموظفون واقفين على أرجلهم يتلقون الصفعات من الساعة التاسعة والنصف صباحا وحتى الثالثة عصرا. بعدها أُخلي سبيل البعض واعتقل البعض الآخر. في التوقيف كانت إحدى الشرطيات تلكم وتضرب وتصفع الموظفات وتصرخ "ليش انتو أحلى؟"!
هذا في الوقت الذي كان فيه زملائهم السنة يتفرجون ويتبسمون. أهكذا تورد الإبل؟

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Story of Hassan Oun (Samaheej - Bahrain)

Hassan Oun

In 2010, Hassan Oun was arrested and falsely accused of attempting to topple the Al Khalifa regime along with other scholars and public figures. Then he was released following a royal pardon in February 2011. Then, during the National Safety State, Hassan was arrested again.

He was deprived from sleeping and showering for three weeks.
He was blindfolded most of the time.
He was beaten and punched continuously on the face and was forced to confess that he’s responsible for all the demonstrations that took place in Dair and Samaheej villages.
He was, then, forced to lie down on the ground, on his face, where he was kicked and cursed at.

Hassan’s torturers are known. They’re Yousef Mulla Bkheet and Isa Al-Sulaiti.

The criminal Isa Al Sulaiti

He started bleeding.
He was taken to a sink to wash up.
When he bent to wash his face, both his torturers tried to pull down his pants, in an attempt to rape him.
They couldn’t.
They pulled out a knife and torn his pants and started to sexually harass Hassan.
Hassan started crying.

Yousef and Isa, the torturers, then, left Hassan, after more threats of rape.

Hassan was transferred from Samaheej police station to the Criminal Investigation Department building, then to the Fort (Ministry of Interior) and back to Samaheej police station, during which he was humiliated, cursed at, beaten and tortured. He was deprived from going to the toilet. He was deprived from food and sleep.

Hassan was forced to stand for 16 days, blindfolded and handcuffed.

Hassan, after his first release

The beatings were intermittent. The torturers start the beating. They continue the beating for 45 minutes. They take a rest for 15 minutes. Then, they continue again. If he was to fall asleep, he was not allowed to sleep for more than 4 hours. The torturers wake him up by kicking him on the chest, cursing him and beating him with batons.

One day, he heard a scream, followed by an ambulance siren sound, during which he noticed a state of chaos in the police station.

After sixteen days, Hassan was un-handcuffed and un-blindfolded. Pillows and blankets were given to him.

After a few days, new detainees were brought in. They told him that Zakariya Al-Asheeri, a blogger and a journalist, died in prison (of torture). He realized, then, that the reason behind this change in treatment and the state of chaos they witnessed a few day back was Zakariya’s murder.

Hassan needs HELP!

Hassan remained in his clothes for 24 days. It was soaking in blood.

Hassan was released after 40 days.

A friend of Hassan asked him: “How did you feel when you were being beaten?”
“I wished death was my savior”, Hassan replied.
“That’s when you’re dead, every hour”, he added.
He said it with his head up. He was smiling.

A friend of Hassan was saying that Hassan was having a very tough time after his second release. At moments, he was hallucinating.

Hassan once heard that the security forces raided Samaheej village, so he, unconsciously, went out to the street and started running and shouting. His brother brought him back.

On another night, he was hit by a sound grenade. He was injured in the chest and thigh. Hassan fainted. He was then beaten by security forces, then taken to the hospital, then back to Samaheej police station, where he was received by Yousef, Al-Sulaiti and Mohammed Al-Mannai, who told him that all generations will be released before him.

Yousef Mulla Bkheet threats continued even during demonstrations. He used to shout, “I’ll get you, Oun’s”, threatening the Oun family, even without seeing them.

It’s also noteworthy to mention that Hassan Oun was hit with shotgun pellets on the 13th of March, where he was hospitalized for two days.

That’s what we were told. What wasn’t told is yet much worse.

Hassan remains under the mercy of the children rapist, Yousef Mulla Bkheet.

GoB, What R U Going to do About Those?

GoB, What R U Going to do About Those?

The Government of Bahrain (GoB) is continuously paying no heed to its security personnel violations and crimes, to those who are alleged to be members of the security system but not on duty and those who are members of the intelligence and/or investigations units.

A numerous number of breaches have occurred during the last few months of 2011; breaches that couldn’t have been concealed. While the GoB is busy arresting, beating, torturing, trying and convicting young Bahraini citizens for no crime but protesting peacefully, the GoB thugs and security forces are defying basic human rights laws and conventions. While the GoB is capable of identifying, arresting and sentencing to imprisonment 10 individuals, with no proof, no witnesses, no case and no crime scene, it fails to try a murderer who was witnessed (by three witnesses) killing an innocent old man with a shotgun from a few centimeters distance!!

I’ll shed light on some stories and incidents that took place recently, and are completely disregarded by the GoB.

Case 1 – Security Forces Throwing Iron Rods at Protestors

In many incidents, the GoB accused the protestors of using iron rods and different metal objects, throwing them at the security forces, injuring them and in some cases killing others; like the case of Zahra Haidar. What we caught on camera is different though. Here’s a bunch of videos that show security forces throwing iron rods at protesters!

Case 2 – Thugs Protected by Security Forces

Thugs were seen and video-taped by Bahraini citizens in Dar Kulaib, a neighboring village of Safriya Palace, the King’s main and favorite residence and whose area is equivalent to three Shia villages in the Western part of the Island, terrorizing residents, vandalizing public and private property and throwing molotovs at the houses!

In the following videos, you can see security forces protecting thugs while they attack civilians in different parts of the country.

Case 3 – Security Forces, Brutally, Beating Citizens and Vandalizing Property

Security forces in Bahrain are enjoying the luxury of impunity. Those mercenaries who were hired by the regime to suppress the people’s voice come from different parts of the middle east and Asia, mainly from Pakistan, Syria, Yemen and Iraq. They're ruthless, brutal, merciless, cruel and callous.

Case 4 – Security Forces Throwing Molotov Cocktails

In many instances, the GoB accused protesters of using and throwing Molotov cocktails at security forces. This might have happened in isolated incidents, given the facts above, and in self-defense approaches. However, we have never ever heard the GoB talking about violations of its security forces!! Please see the videos...

Case 5 – SCANDAL!! Thugs Exchanging Molotov Cocktails

Case 100 – Torture

Security personnel, in the investigations and interrogations units are also being pampered by the impunity system. Many incidents were recorded and seen whereby young individuals are arrested, beaten, tortured, raped, threatened of rape and sexually harassed while the higher authorities are in an absolute mode of silence.

This will be detailed in another blog...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BICI Reading - Part 10 (Students and Media)

Dismissal of Students and Suspension of Scholarships

[bici] 1463: By 18 May, a total of 427 students had been expelled from University of Bahrain, 34 had been suspended and a further 7 had been issued with “final warnings”.

[bici] 1464: By 13 June, a total of 54 students had been expelled from Bahrain Polytechnic, 12 had been suspended for periods ranging from a semester to a year and a further five had been issued with “final warnings”.

[bici] 1464: The university expelled an additional 24 students for alleged criminal activities

[bici] 1466: Beginning in February 2011, a number of Bahraini students studying at universities abroad had their scholarships revoked. On 27 May, the MoE reinstated all 97 of them

[bici] 1470: Students were questioned about things they had written on social media sites and groups they had joined or expressed affinity with (“liked”) on Facebook

[bici] 1475: One Polytechnic student was investigated and later disciplined for writing “the transportation system in Bahrain sucks”. Another was disciplined for writing “all I need is my freedom” on his/her Facebook wall.

[bici] 1478: Letters of expulsion to Polytechnic students noted that students violated Law No. 27 of 2005 on education. However, this Law does not provide that students expressing political opinions or practicing in political activities be expelled

Findings and Conclusions

[bici] 1491: It is of particular concern that hundreds of students were initially dismissed from the university simply after being identified in photographs showing them participating in a demonstration at the university campus

[bici] 1492: Evidence provided by the university does not indicate in every case that wrongdoing had been clearly established

[bici] 1492: In respect of photographic evidence, the Commission did not see any photographs in the university’s investigative files that established that a particular student had participated in a violent, criminal or disruptive act

[bici] 1493: Records indicate that 400-500 students participated in the protests, 427 students were expelled. It seems implausible that such a high percentage were deemed culpable of acts of violence and destruction of university property

[bici] 1497: The universities often applied arbitrary and unclear standards for issuing determinations and taking disciplinary action

[bici] 1498: The universities took indiscriminate disciplinary action against students based on their involvement in the February/March demonstrations and thereby infringed on their right to free expressions, assembly and association


[bici] 1502: Reinstate all students who have not been been criminally charged with an act of violence

[bici] 1504: Adopt clear and fair standards for disciplinary measures against students and to ensure that they are applied in a fair and impartial manner

Allegations of Media Harassment

[bici] 1629: The Commission viewed a selection of material from the national television, radio and print media. Much of this material contained derogatory language and inflammatory coverage of events, and some may have been defamatory

[bici] 1631: No evidence was presented to the Commission to support allegation by State-controlled media outlets that Al-Wasat newspaper engaged in incitement to violence.

[bici] 1631: The Commission cannot conclude that there was any intention of malice in Al-Wasat’s publication of false and misleading news

[bici] 1632: The Commission accepts that Al-Wasat newspaper was attacked

[bici] 1633: The Commission find that the GoB exercised censorship over local media outlets and that this intensified in response to the events of February/March

[bici] 1633: The Commission received several complaints from journalists alleging that they were forced to portray the events in a certain light in order to retain their employment. The Commission considers these allegations to be credible

[bici] 1634: During February and March, the authorities attempted to restrict the freedom of expression and opinion of Bahraini journalists, photographers, bloggers and media personnel. This crackdown led to dismissals from employment, censorship of articles, arrests and detention of journalists and in some cases mistreatment in custody

[bici] 1635: The Commission finds that there was a tendency in the Bahraini media to defame protesters

[bici] 1636: The Commission considers such harassment (by Hareghum) to be a violation of a person’s right to privacy while also amounting to hate speech and incitement to violence

[bici] 1639: The GoB has not permanently shut down Twitter feeds such as Hareghum even though they produced material that international law requires to be prohibited and which is in fact prohibited under Bahrain law

[bici] 1640: It is clear that media in Bahrain is biased towards the GoB. Six of the seven daily newspapers are pro-government. Broadcasting service is State-controlled.

[bici] 1640: The lack of access to mainstream media creates frustration within opposition groups and results in these groups resorting to other media.


[bici] 1641: The Commission recommends that the GoB consider relaxing censorship and allowing the opposition greater access to television broadcast, radio broadcasts and print media

BICI Reading - Part 9 (Attacks on the Sunni Community)

Attacks on the Sunni Community

[bici] 1530: Speeches were made at the GCC roundabout referring to historical battles between Sunni and Shia. Can you repeat that, again, Mr Bassiouni?!! And even if so, what has that got to do with a new conflict between Sunni and Shia (if any), one that you're suggesting?! Furthermore, you mentioned earlier (BICI 641) that the protests crossed religious, sectarian and ethnic lines. Now, you're implying that sectarian speeches were delivered at the roundabout? Both Sunnis and Shias were protesting at all times at the roundabout and the areas surrounding the roundabout.

[bici] 1531: A female member of the Sunni community was stopped by protesters while driving her vehicle. The protesters then attacked her vehicle with knives and sticks.

Please see the full video.

[bici] 1532: Official reports released by the GoB indicate that protesters burst onto UoB and started to attack pro-Gov students, and that the S20 building was set on fire… Mr. Bassiouni, why haven’t you seen or considered that videos that I personally showed to you, of which are the following?

[bici] 1534: The Commission received 434 complaints from the members of the Sunni community. Does that, Mr. Bassiouni, mean that all the other complaints, which are estimated to be in thousands, were received from the Shia community?? Then, in that case, why haven’t you mentioned it in the same way and dedicated a chapter for it titled, “Attacks on the Shia Community”?! Where you forced to put this section?! By who??

[bici] 1534: The majority of complainants claimed to have suffered emotional distress caused by violations on inconveniences. No comments!

[bici] 1538: One students was verbally abused by her teachers. The discrimination affected her grades and her psychological state. She was not able to sleep at night and her mood was low. Assuming, hypothetically, it’s true, the poor kid… Her grades were affected. She couldn’t sleep that night. For God’s sake, we have at least 5 boys who are DEAD and won’t show up at schools then next day!! We have hundreds of family members, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends who couldn’t sleep because they lost their child, friend and/or brother and this ASSHOLE is complaining about his daughter’s grades being affected!!!!!??? And you're cruel enough to dedicate a full chapter for this crap!!

[bici] 1544: One individual stated that his car was vandalized and his tyres were punctured, posing a threat to his life!!

[bici] 1544: One individual stated that four masked men poured gasoline on his car, which almost caught fire. One: the magician knew they were Shia. Two: The car almost caught fire!!!

[bici] 1548: The Commission received 359 complaints concerning emotional distress, including general complaints about the distress and disturbance to everyday life caused by the protests. Like what?! Ha? Not being able to go to City Center?!! Or being away from Starbucks?!!

[bici] 1549: Several reports were made concerning children who were affected by the turmoil to the extent that they were too anxious to fall asleep and began to wet their beds and have panic attacks. No comments.

[bici] 1551: The gathering of National Unity alleges that the Sunni community members are victims of discrimination and abuse!! How? Through hiring ONLY Sunnis in the security forces? Through naturalizing ONLY Sunnis?! Through dismissing 3,000 employees?? Through the demolition of 53 Sunni mosques? Through expelling hundreds of students from schools and universities?? Through torture and illegal arrests and imprisonment by Shia security forces and Shia government?

[bici] 1551: A report presented by the TGONU states that it had received 6981 complaints from the Sunni community, 72% of which alleged emotional distress caused by protests. No comments!

[bici] 1552: Members of the Al Khalifa family claimed to have been exposed to emotional distress and psychological terror throughout the protests!!! Oh yeah?! Good one.

[bici] 1562: Nevertheless, the Commission is of the view that in situations of riots, strikes and the  breakdown of law and order, disruptions to daily life are inevitable. These exceptional situations also have negative and sometimes serious effects on the freedom of movement, access to work and public services, business, etc. The Commission finds that such negative effects materialized during the period in question. The Commission however is of the view that such general negative effects impacted everyone in Bahrain and were not specific to one community.

Why has the Commission failed to mention that ALL those who were killed by security forces were Shia? Why has the Commission failed to state that all villages that were attacked by security forces were Shia villages? Why has the Commission failed to explicitly state that all those dismissed from their work were Shia? The mosques, too?! Why hasn’t the Commission dedicated a “Shia” chapter for those "Shia" who were beaten to death and/or tortured in prison by security forces, except for two individuals!??? Why has the Commission failed to state that all those students who were expelled and got their scholarships revoked were Shia?

BICI Reading - Part 8 (Terminations of Employment)

Terminations of Employment

This section of the report exposes a vivid scandal pertaining to both the GoB and the Commission.

Please read the following paragraphs carefully, especially ones highlighted in yellow. This is the summary...

  1. There are clear evidences that all dismissals where connected directly to retaliation against Shia employees.
  2. Most dismissals were based on suspicion!
  3. Also, and in many cases, the head of the company without hesitance states that “higher authorities” or the “National Safety Agency” are the source of orders for dismissal.
  4. In light of the above, the Commission fails to recommend reinstating those employees in a clear message.
  5. Many of the dismissals violates Constitutional articles and Bahrain civil law and international conventions


[bici] 1337: The Commission received a total of 1,624 complaints from individuals alleging that they had been dismissed from employment

[bici] 1338: The three main grounds used to dismiss employees from the public sector were: (i) absence from work; (ii) involvement in demonstrations; and (iii) public display of opinions incompatible with the internal regulations

[bici] 1338: The two main grounds used to dismiss employees from the private sector were; (i) absence from work; and (ii) involvement in union activity related to the demonstrations

[bici] 1356: Public sector: 465 were dismissed and 355 suspended. Private sector: 788 dismissed and 16 suspended.

Public Sector

[bici] 1358: 34% of dismissed employees had not been subjected to investigations or potential dismissal

[bici] 1359: Of the remaining 64%, some were questioned about their absence reasons, their political affiliation, whether they had participated in the demonstrations, which sect they belonged to and their opinions about the regime and/or high profile religious or political figures.

[bici] 1360: ~120 employees were presented with photographs associating them with demonstrations.

[bici] 1360: 95+ employees were threatened that their cases would be referred for public prosecution

[bici] 1360: 44 employees were suspended prior to having been referred for investigations.

Private Sector

[bici] 1387: Employees on annual leave reported having been asked why they chose the period of February/March for their leave!

[bici] 1388: ~10 employees reported they were presented with photographs associating them with demonstrations.

[bici] 1388: 37+ employees were threatened that their cases would be referred for public prosecution

[bici] 1388: Some employees learned of their dismissal when they appeared for work and were not allowed onto the premises

[bici] 1390: A total of 2,464 private sector employees were dismissed in relation to the events of February/March 2011.

ALBA: 514
BAPCO: 312
APM: 254
Gulf Air: 219
Batelco: 172
BAS: 87
ASRY: 64
Garmco: 29
Other companies: 743

[bici] 1403: 14% of ALBA’s work force were dismissed

[bici] 1408: Union reps alleged that the CEO of the company informed them that the dismissals were based on orders from “higher ups”

[bici] 1425: Gulf Air assumed that employees who did not appear for work attended demonstrations at the roundabout. Gulf air did not have actual evidence to support its determination

[bici] 1426: Gulf Air stated that it had halted the reinstatement of al least eight employees because of orders it received from the National Security Agency

Findings and Conclusions

[bici] 1446: The Commission has received anecdotal evidence suggesting that government representatives directly encouraged companies to dismiss employees suspected to be involved in the events of February/March

[bici] 1447: The failure to universally apply procedural guarantees afforded by law has resulted in the denial of due process for dismissed and suspended employees, in contravention of the Constitution of Bahrain

[bici] 1448: It appears that the workers’ strikes were within the permissible bounds of the law

[bici] 1449: Dismissals of employees as a result of absences were inconsistent with article 28 of Civil Service Law No. 48 of 2010 and article 113 of Decree Law No. 23 of 1976m respectively.

[bici] 1450: Statements made to the Commission indicated that many of the dismissals ostensible based on absence from work were in fact motivated by retaliation against employees suspected of being involved in the demonstrations

[bici] 1451: In many instances, employers referred or threatened to refer employees to criminal investigations based on suspicious that they had been active in demonstrations

[bici] 1452: Employees were often questions about opinions and activities protected by the Constitution

[bici] 1453: Shia employees were often treated differently from similarly-situated employees who were not Shia. This disparity in treatment in this context indicates that they have been discriminated against in contravention on the Constitution of Bahrain and ILO Convention No. 111

[bici] 1455: The Commission recommends that the GoB use all its powers to ensure that public corporations and other employers who dismissed employees for failure to appear at work at the time of the demonstrations treat them no worse that the Government has treated its own civil servants.


[bici] 1456: The Commission urges the GoB to ensure that these remaining dismissed employees have not been dismissed because of their exercise of their right to freedom of expression, opinion, association or assembly

BICI Reading - Part 7 (Demolition of Religious Structures)

Demolition of Religious Structures

[bici] 1306-1307: The Commission received reports that 53 religious structures were demolished. It selected 30 for detailed investigations. Note here that 23 more religious structures were NOT investigated.

[bici] 1313: Of the 30 places of worship investigated, 28 were mosques, 1 was a matam/mosque and 1 was a shrine

[bici] 1313: Five of these places of worship had a royal deed and building permit

[bici] 1313: Six were located on private land owned by a third party.

[bici] 1313: 19 were located on public land; two had a royal deed but no building permit, one had a building permit but no royal deed and 16 had neither a royal deed not a building permit

[bici] 1315: The 30 sites were demolished between 31 March and 1 May

[bici] 1316: The places of worship were demolished by MoI’s General Security and Riot Police and National Security Agency, as per the complainants allegations.

[bici] 1316: The Commission was unable to determine which government agencies were directly involved in any specific demolition. I can’t understand how the BDF involvement was ignored. Please see this video (and there are tens more):

[bici] 1318: The MMAUP reported that it had attached a municipal notice of violation to the 28 places of worship that were demolished after adoption of Decree No. 2105-05 of 2011. Some of the notices were issued as early as 15 March 2011, even though [bici 1319] Decree No. 2105-05 of 2011 was issued on 10 April 2011!!! The notices were issued before the Royal Decree!!

[bici] 1320: Three methods were used for demolition: manual tools, heavy machinery and burning.

[bici] 1322: Commission investigators were informed that General Security and Riot Police forbade the locals from removing Qurans prior to their demolition. Isn’t that clear enough to prove and show the intentions of demolitions??!!

[bici] 1324.a: Amir Mohammed Barbagi constituted a clear and present danger to the users of the highway!! The mosque was built 400 years ago and demolished in the middle of the night without proper notification of the orders for demolition!! Instead of paving a proper entrance for the mosque, the remedy is to demolish it!! Please save us the crap of “illegal” and “no deeds” and “building permits”!!!

[bici] 1324.b: On 21 September 2011, Dr Al Kaabi said that these sites (mosques in Barboura, Nuwaidrat) were labeled by the MoI as dangerous sites where Shia youth gathered, organized and armed themselves!! So, that’s why!! First of all, GoB did not prove the above and CANNOT prove it, as it never happened in the first place! Secondly, do you just go and demolish buildings where you think or allege that youth gather??!! With regards to “youth arming themselves”, the GoB failed and will continue to fail in proving this, as the GoB knows very well that the people, with the exception of security personnel connected to governmental agencies, are unarmed.

[bici] 1324.b: On 21 September 2011, Dr Al Kaabi further stated that the sites were also used as staging grounds to attack government forces stationed nearby and that incitement and provocation against the government took place there!!

[bici] 1324.b: On 21 September 2011, Dr Al Kaabi also added that MMAUP was also informed that some of these sites were used for weapons storage, especially for Molotov cocktails and associated materials. If we assume, hypothetically, that Molotov cocktails were stored in the site, does that give any authority to demolish the site? Wouldn’t the “criminals” look for another site? Wasn’t it a better idea to arrest those involved?! Did the demolition fix the problem?!!

[bici] 1332: The applicable administrative law was not followed; the order (of demolition) was deemed applicable immediately without providing an opportunity for those who opposed the demolition to be heard before an administrative body and eventually before the judiciary.

[bici] 1333: On its face this (storing weapon and staging violent attacks) is a valid justification qualifying for imminent danger and thus demolition without any more than the issuance of the administrative order and the posting if the notice. Are you serious?!! Bring down to the ground any site that MAY host danger?! I wonder why weren’t the places bombed with F-16s?!! It seems the Commission believes that Bin Laden rebels are hiding in Barboura, Nuwaidrat and bombing the site is necessary to kill the rebels once and for all!!! Mr. Bassiouni, those who were alleged to be criminals are set free. They can return at any time, in any mosque, in any house, in an y building and gather again, that's if we assume they constitute a "threat"!

[bici] 1333: The GoB has acted pursuant to National Safety Laws. I thought the National Safety Law itself raised question marks on its constitutionality…

[bici] 1334: The GoB had not stopped the construction of these structures not taken actions to remove them for a number of years. Great conclusion. Next conclusion is even greater.

[bici] 1334: The Government should have realized that under the circumstances, the manner in which demolitions were conducted and the fact that these were primarily Shia religious structures, the demolitions would be perceived as a collective punishment and would therefore inflame the tension between the GoB and the Shia population.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

BICI Reading - Part VI - (Treatment in Custody and Freedom of Expression)

I haven't put any comments in this post. I'm just summarizing the two sections (Treatment of Persons in Custody and Detenation and Prosecution in connection with Expression, Association and
Assembly) in 2 pages. They're self-explanatory and don't need any commentary

Treatment of Persons in Custody

[bici] 1213: BICI medical experts identified 19 different methods of mistreatment, e.g. beatings, head traumas and electric shocks

[bici] 1213: 32 detainees were subjected to mistreatment and traumatic events

[bici] 1213: 15 detainees had significant psychological symptoms or impairments due to mistreatment

[bici] 1213: 34 detainees findings were highly consistent with beatings and blunt trauma

[bici] 1213: 3 cases were highly consistent with cigarette burns

Findings and Conclusions

[bici] 1230: Information regarding physical and psychological abuse indicates clear patterns of behavior

[bici] 1230: I many cases, the purpose of mistreatment was to obtain confessions

[bici] 1230: Mistreatment was also used for the purpose of retribution and punishment

[bici] 1234: The techniques used included: beating, punching, hitting with rubber hoses, cables, whips, metal and wooden objects

[bici] 1234: The techniques used included: electrocution, sleep-deprivation, exposure to extreme temperatures

[bici] 1234: The techniques used: verbal abuse, threats of rape and insulting the detainee’s religious sect (Shia)

[bici] 1235: Detainees were denied access to lawyers

[bici] 1235: GoB failed to acknowledge even the fact of detention for periods of up to two weeks

[bici] 1237: Prolonged incommunicado detention violates the prohibition of inhuman or degrading punishment

[bici] 1238: The physical and psychological treatment (torture) evidences a deliberate practice of mistreatment by MoI and NSA

[bici] 1240: The lack of accountability of officials within the security system has led to a culture of impunity


[bici] 1246: All allegations of torture should be investigated by an independent and impartial bode

[bici] 1247: In the light of “pattern of immunity” for torture, appropriate prosecution should be initiated

[bici] 1248: All victims of torture or mistreatment should receive compensation

[bici] 1249: All victims of prolonged incommunicado detention should receive compensation

[bici] 1251: The State should never again resort to detention without prompt access to lawyers, and without access to the outside world for more than 3 days

Detention and Prosecution in connection with Expression, Association and Assembly

[bici] 1281: Article 165 of the Penal Code infringes upon the freedom of opinion and expression by excluding from the public debate opinions that express opposition to the existing system of government of Bahrain, as well as opinions that call for any peaceful change in the structure of government or for regime change

[bici] 1282: Paragraph 1 of article 168 places broad restrictions on the exercise of freedoms of opinion and expression by criminalizing “any malicious news report, rumors or spreads of adverse publicity”, which are not clear

[bici] 1283: Paragraph 2 of article 168 restricts the freedoms of opinion and expression by infringing the right to seek, receive and impart information

[bici] 1284: Articles 165, 168 and 168 of the Penal Code were applied to repress legitimate criticism of the GoB

[bici] 1286: Article 179 of the Penal Code can be used against persons seeking to exercise their internationally guaranteed right of freedom of assembly, without the need to prove the commission of material or tangible conduct

[bici] 1288: The Attorney General has not provided a reasonable explanation for this disparity in treatment and unequal application of the law


[bici] 1291: The Commission recommends that all persons charged with offences involving political expression, not consisting of advocacy of violence, have their convictions reviewed and sentences commuted or outstanding charges against them dropped