Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BICI Reading - Part 9 (Attacks on the Sunni Community)

Attacks on the Sunni Community

[bici] 1530: Speeches were made at the GCC roundabout referring to historical battles between Sunni and Shia. Can you repeat that, again, Mr Bassiouni?!! And even if so, what has that got to do with a new conflict between Sunni and Shia (if any), one that you're suggesting?! Furthermore, you mentioned earlier (BICI 641) that the protests crossed religious, sectarian and ethnic lines. Now, you're implying that sectarian speeches were delivered at the roundabout? Both Sunnis and Shias were protesting at all times at the roundabout and the areas surrounding the roundabout.

[bici] 1531: A female member of the Sunni community was stopped by protesters while driving her vehicle. The protesters then attacked her vehicle with knives and sticks.

Please see the full video.

[bici] 1532: Official reports released by the GoB indicate that protesters burst onto UoB and started to attack pro-Gov students, and that the S20 building was set on fire… Mr. Bassiouni, why haven’t you seen or considered that videos that I personally showed to you, of which are the following?

[bici] 1534: The Commission received 434 complaints from the members of the Sunni community. Does that, Mr. Bassiouni, mean that all the other complaints, which are estimated to be in thousands, were received from the Shia community?? Then, in that case, why haven’t you mentioned it in the same way and dedicated a chapter for it titled, “Attacks on the Shia Community”?! Where you forced to put this section?! By who??

[bici] 1534: The majority of complainants claimed to have suffered emotional distress caused by violations on inconveniences. No comments!

[bici] 1538: One students was verbally abused by her teachers. The discrimination affected her grades and her psychological state. She was not able to sleep at night and her mood was low. Assuming, hypothetically, it’s true, the poor kid… Her grades were affected. She couldn’t sleep that night. For God’s sake, we have at least 5 boys who are DEAD and won’t show up at schools then next day!! We have hundreds of family members, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends who couldn’t sleep because they lost their child, friend and/or brother and this ASSHOLE is complaining about his daughter’s grades being affected!!!!!??? And you're cruel enough to dedicate a full chapter for this crap!!

[bici] 1544: One individual stated that his car was vandalized and his tyres were punctured, posing a threat to his life!!

[bici] 1544: One individual stated that four masked men poured gasoline on his car, which almost caught fire. One: the magician knew they were Shia. Two: The car almost caught fire!!!

[bici] 1548: The Commission received 359 complaints concerning emotional distress, including general complaints about the distress and disturbance to everyday life caused by the protests. Like what?! Ha? Not being able to go to City Center?!! Or being away from Starbucks?!!

[bici] 1549: Several reports were made concerning children who were affected by the turmoil to the extent that they were too anxious to fall asleep and began to wet their beds and have panic attacks. No comments.

[bici] 1551: The gathering of National Unity alleges that the Sunni community members are victims of discrimination and abuse!! How? Through hiring ONLY Sunnis in the security forces? Through naturalizing ONLY Sunnis?! Through dismissing 3,000 employees?? Through the demolition of 53 Sunni mosques? Through expelling hundreds of students from schools and universities?? Through torture and illegal arrests and imprisonment by Shia security forces and Shia government?

[bici] 1551: A report presented by the TGONU states that it had received 6981 complaints from the Sunni community, 72% of which alleged emotional distress caused by protests. No comments!

[bici] 1552: Members of the Al Khalifa family claimed to have been exposed to emotional distress and psychological terror throughout the protests!!! Oh yeah?! Good one.

[bici] 1562: Nevertheless, the Commission is of the view that in situations of riots, strikes and the  breakdown of law and order, disruptions to daily life are inevitable. These exceptional situations also have negative and sometimes serious effects on the freedom of movement, access to work and public services, business, etc. The Commission finds that such negative effects materialized during the period in question. The Commission however is of the view that such general negative effects impacted everyone in Bahrain and were not specific to one community.

Why has the Commission failed to mention that ALL those who were killed by security forces were Shia? Why has the Commission failed to state that all villages that were attacked by security forces were Shia villages? Why has the Commission failed to explicitly state that all those dismissed from their work were Shia? The mosques, too?! Why hasn’t the Commission dedicated a “Shia” chapter for those "Shia" who were beaten to death and/or tortured in prison by security forces, except for two individuals!??? Why has the Commission failed to state that all those students who were expelled and got their scholarships revoked were Shia?

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