Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BICI Reading - Part III (Deaths)

Allegations of Human Rights Violations

[bici] 848: A total of 13 civilians died and these deaths are attributable to Security Forces.

[bici] 848: Five persons allegedly died as a result of torture

[bici] 863: The cause of death for the 13 individuals identified include the following: Shotgun (7), another type of firearm (5) and beatings (1)

[bici] 864: The Commission finds that there were nine deaths which are attributable to the MoI and which resulted from the use of excessive and unnecessary lethal force. Have you lied enough, GoB?

[bici] 867: It is unclear whether intentional killings where as a result of individual acts or a policy of lethal use of force

[bici] 868: The Commission considers that the totality of the evidences, presented by MoI indicates a lack of impartiality, independence and integrity resulting in findings that are, in many cases, flawed and biased its favor. What a shame, GoB and Hamad!!

[bici] 869-870: Abdulredha Buhamaid and Bahiya Al Aradi deaths were attributable to the use of excessive and unnecessary lethal force by the BDF.

[bici] 870: The Commission concludes that in general the BDF did not use excessive force.

[bici] 871: The Commission concludes that the Military Attorney General’s investigations were not effective, did not satisfy international standards and consequently they were no in compliance with international law. This requires IMMEDIATE action!!

[bici] 872: The death of Jaffar Mayoof was attributable to security forces, but the Commission was unable to attribute it to any specific agency. Investigation is pending.

[bici] 874: The death of Hasan Jassim Mohammed Makki is attributable to his mistreatment while in custody (medical negligence).

[bici] 875: The death of Ali Isa Saqer is attributable to his mistreatment while in custody (manslaughter and failure to report the crime). What happened to the five MoI personnel who were charged?

[bici] 876: The death of Zakariy Al Asheeri is attributable to his mistreatment while in custody (mistreatment). What happened to the five MoI personnel who were charged? Why is the case dead?

[bici] 877: NSA failed to conduct an effective investigation in to Abdul Kareem Fakhrawi’s death. What happened to the two MoI personnel who were charged?

[bici] 878: MoI failed to conduct an investigation in to Jaber Alawiyat’s death. Why? Is he not a Bahraini citizen??!!

[bici] 881: 11 individuals were charged with the murder of Abdul Malik Ghulam Rasool, while Farid Maqbul’s death was attributable to unknown perpetrator

[bici] 882: The death of Stephen Abraham is attributable to the BDF.

[bici] 883: The Commission was unable to attribute the deliberate killing of Mohammed Ikhlas Tozzumul Ali to any specific persons or agencies

[bici] 885: Police officer Ahmed Rashid Al Muraisi was run over by a vehicle at the GCC roundabout. How come his family insists that he was run over in Sitra!??? And how come in BICI report paragraph 1030, the Commission received information indicating that he died in Sitra!!!

[bici] 886: Police officers Kashif Mandoor and Moahmmed Farouq were run over by a vehicle near the GCC roundabout. Read this article.

[bici] 887: The death of police officer Jawad Shamlan is attributable to the BDF, and resulted from the deflection of a bullet. Investigations were not effective and not in compliance with international law.

[bici] 888: The Commission is unable to attribute the death of Lieutenant Aziz Juma Ayyad to a particular agency or group. BDF has not initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death and consequently there has not been compliance with international law

[bici] 889: The number of deaths raise many issues about a widespread practice of excessive use of force, failure to conduct effective investigations and failure of those in higher levels of command structure to prevent and repress the excessive use of force


[bici] 890: The GoB should conduct effective investigations into all the deaths that have been attributed to the security forces

[bici] 891: The appropriate prosecutions should be initiated with a view to ensuring punishment consistent with the gravity of the offence

[bici] 892: There should be a standing independent body to examine all complaints of torture, mistreatment, excessive use of force or other abuses at the hands of authorities

[bici] 893: The families of the victim should be entitled to compensation that is commensurate with the gravity of their loss

[bici] 894: The GoB should implement training programs for the security forces, the NSA and BDF.

[bici] 895: The Commission recommends that the death sentence for murder arising out of the events of Feb and March be commuted

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